To pass an exam, you need to score 80 per cent or more. You cannot get an unclassified. Our qualifications are designed so that you can study them any time of day. You can study one unit per evening as long as you don’t study anything else that evening. Then, you can study the next unit on the following night.
In each unit, you’ll test yourself with a multiple choice paper. There are 35 questions. You will not be allowed to study again until the following evening. You’ll then have another five hours to revise and study your answers. You must answer 20 questions to gain GCSE Exam Centre an unclassified result. Once you’ve studied, you need to get a minimum of 10 correct answers out of the 20 you’ve attempted.
For the Functional Skills English qualification, you’ll need to pass three of the following:
You can study either the listening or the reading unit. The speaking and the writing units can be studied together.
If you pass the reading test, you’ll then be tested on vocabulary, grammar and syntax. You’ll be given the answers in advance so that you can study for the listening, writing and speaking tests. You can only do the vocabulary test twice.